In our Happy Kitchen classes, we share tips and strategies for eating more local food and shopping at the SFC Farmers’ Markets.
Unfortunately, some of the tips we normally give for market shopping don’t make sense right now.
This isn’t the time to linger at the market, and if you’re trying to limit grocery store trips, it might be tough to match up your market finds with the other grocery staples you need.
Farmers’ market shopping looks a little different these days, but this is a great time to connect, re-connect, or stay connected with your local food system.
I shopped at the SFC Farmers’ Market Downtown on Saturday and I found that my Happy Kitchen training came in really handy for making a shopping list, finding recipes that use seasonal produce, and adapting to what’s available without wasting food.
I know a lot of us are finding our new food routines, myself included. If you’ve been unsure about how to approach the market right now, read on to learn about my experience.
Like everything else we do in The Happy Kitchen, this isn’t the one right way to do it – just some ideas that might help you figure out your right way.